The August 5th meeting of Trinity Players’ committee saw members take on board comments made by members at the AGM that members were not being kept fully informed of committee decisions.
The meeting, chaired by Paul Taylor and attended by all eight committee members, therefore decided to publish a newsletter, loosely based on the minutes, following each committee meeting. Distributed by email, displayed on the hall notice board and with most non-sensitive items published on the website, the newsletter’s content should include: requests for help, input and participation, finance and attendance reports, thanks and congratulatory messages.
This is the first offering consequent to that decision.
The meeting opened with Peter Horner being welcomed to his first meeting
It was agreed that copies of the constitution be circulated to all committee members with a view to reconsidering its contents at forthcoming meetings.
Following an AGM request that TP members should be made aware of committee members’ special responsibilities, the following was agreed as a guideline.
Paul Taylor – Chair. Responsible for chairing all meetings and ensuring fair discussion throughout.
Dale Rivers – Secretary. Responsible for minutes, communications and website management.
Karen Slater – Vice. Deputising in the chair, acting as membership secretary with further legal and financial responsibilities.
Ruth Willerton – treasurer. Payments of accounts and expenses and publication of balance sheets.
Barbara Parkinson. Church liaison officer.
Anne Prew – Publicity officer and script co-ordinator
Peter Horner – Social Secretary
Ian Harley – Front-of-House co-ordinator and newsletter editor.
It was re-affirmed that Bill Moss is entitled to attend and speak at all committee meetings and should be proactively invited to attend once a quarter.
The committee welcomed the news that John Parker has already offered plays for spring of 2014 with Ghost Train, When We Are Married, An Inspector Calls and Absurd Person Singular all being considered. Other offers are, however, still welcome. The intention remains to have full play readings before making decisions whenever possible.
NOT WITH A BANG (Oct.16-19 at Lamproom)
It was reported that the play features prominently in the Lamproom brochure, 117 tickets have been sold so far and flyers have gone out already.
The meeting was informed that the hall must be clear and safe for children by Saturday August 31st for use by other groups.
Thanks were expressed to Bob and Ruth Willerton for hosting the July 14th garden party to celebrate the 40th birthday of Trinity Players and the 80th anniversary of it predecessor organisation, Farrar Street Players.
One person each night is required for the important task of selling raffle tickets at the Lamproom when TP present “Not With A Bang” from October 16th to 19th. Anyone able to help should contact Ian Harley. (Barnsley 287134 or
In addition, 12 raffle prizes are required. Anyone able to help should contact any committee member.
The next meeting will take place on Tuesday, September 3rd when this year’s pantomime, next year’s Spring play and the box office will be among the items considered. The committee can be contacted at