Hi Everyone,
The fact that this newsletter is our first in 2015 is largely due to the Extraordinary General Meeting being held at the end of January. It is, essentially, a report of items discussed by a full complement of committee members at their March 9th meeting, held at the home of treasurer, Ruth Willerton.
Chairman Paul Taylor, together with members Barbara Parkinson, Anne Prew, Anthony Crossland, Dale Rivers, Neil Barham, Ian Harley and Jim Parkinson heard Ruth report that our recent pantomime, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, was as successful financially as it was in terms of audience appreciation. Despite the lamentable break-in, the show generated an income which will go a long way in enabling us to meet our commitments to both the church and other parties in the coming months.
Director Paul Taylor announced that that Whose Life Is It Anyway? has already been cast and rehearsals are under way. No problems are currently foreseen on the set and prop fronts, work on which has already started. The only slight concern is that a principal cast member has now gained a part-time position away from the town and may be unable to attend many of the Wednesday rehearsals. A solution to the problem is being sought.
Anne Prew reported that publicity for the show is well under way with flyers and posters already delivered to the Lamproom Theatre.
For your diaries, the first performance of this acclaimed Brian Clark play is to take place at the Wakefield Theatre Royal and Opera House as the Trinity Players’ entry to the Wakefield Festival during the Spring Bank Holiday week at the end of May.
It will then open at Barnsley’s Lamproom Theatre on Wednesday June 10th and run until Saturday June 13th.
Ticket prices are £11 (£10 concessions) and available from www.BarnsleyLamproom.com or by telephone on Barnsley 200075. Alternatively Email BoxOffice@BarnsleyLamproom.com
Members spent some time considering whether currently healthy state of our membership should be reflected through consideration of staging three productions this year in addition to the pantomime.
Andrew Crossland said he would like to direct one of his own plays as a ‘summer play’ at the end of July. He believed that was possible to squeeze another production in as his play ‘Walter Ego’ has only a six-strong cast of relatively young age. It could therefore overlap without impacting greatly on Whose Life Is It Anyway. The committee agreed to instruct Andrew to canvas support among possible cast members and report back to next month’s committee meeting. Anyone particularly keen to take part can contact Andrew now.
The meeting also heard that John Parker has volunteered to direct the Autumn Play with two comedies under consideration. Neil reported that one play would be a ‘nightmare’ in terms of set construction while Anne reported that the script library had no copies available for the other. The committee agreed to fund John’s purchase of a script for the easier play.
The committee also considered correspondence from Bob Willerton about recent read-throughs of plays. Another volunteer for the arena of directorial combat, Bob is prepared to direct a play either late this year or next. The list of possibles includes Comfort and Joy, The Vicar of Dibley, Ghost Train and Inspector Drake’s Last Case which is being performed by Wombwell Thespians late this month and could be checked out. When We Are Married and Spring and Port Wine have also been discussed as possibles.
With decisions requiring to be made expeditiously, Dale was directed to contact the Lamproom Theatre to see whether we will have choice of both Spring and Autumn slots available to us next year.
Dale additionally reiterated that he is prepared to direct next year’s pantomime but would be requiring rehearsals to start earlier – preferably in October.
Neil reported that the rear storage area not utilised by Trinity Players in recent years has now been cleared of accumulated junk ready for storage use. Unfortunately the floor surface is far from even and he therefore requested £70 for materials to make and install a track system to be used by a trolley. The committee agreed the expenditure.
Neil also reported that he had received quotes of approximately £900 and £1900 for the carpeting of the hall floor. The committee agreed to ask both the church and the other user group, the Lamproom Musical Theatre Society, if they had any objection to the area being carpeted and, indeed, whether either would wish to contribute towards the cost.
Members reported that last month’s Chinese New Year dinner had been enjoyed by all despite numbers being down on those from last year.
Ruth reported that she and Bob were prepared to take a little of the strain off Peter Horner and Jeff by hosting this year’s summer barbecue event at their home as they did in 2013. Suitable dates are now being considered so watch this space!
Neil reported that his brother-in-law had offered the services of his ceilidh band for a dance without fee but on condition that filming could take place for a promotional video designed to encourage further bookings. The committee agreed to graciously accept the offer and examine suitable dates. Again, watch this space.
Mention was also made of the two weddings featuring Trinity members in July. Committee member Andrew is to take the plunge on July 11th with Alice Willerton following suit on July 31st. The venues for evening events are to be Barnsley FC and Shaw Lane respectively.
The committee decided that this year’s Annual General Meeting should take place at Trinity at 7.30pm on Wednesday, July 8th so please enter that date in your diary. One disappointment already known is that Ruth is to step down as treasurer. The good news is that she states the duties are both interesting and rewarding in terms of job satisfaction. ‘Your Society Needs You’ could be an appropriate slogan.
The next committee meeting is to be held on Tuesday, April 14th at 7.30pm at the home of the chairman.
All comments etc. to: committee@trinityplayersbarnsley.com