2016 March – Newsletter


Trinity Church, BARNSLEY

Hi Everyone,

Last night’s ‘open’ committee meeting resulted in two appeals being made to our members…both aimed at gaining specialised help. The first is for a musical director and/or piano/keyboard accompanist while the second is a repeat appeal for a costume/wardrobe supremo or supervisory team.

In neither case do our targets have to be members of Trinity Players. The recent growth in voluntary organisations and charities reveal that many people are anxious to spend their leisure time in a rewarding and public-spirited way often with no desire for remuneration. We’re asking you, therefore, if you know family members, friends, neighbours or colleagues who might be persuaded to provide such specialist help as we step up our activities to stage four shows a year and set up a junior section which may stage its own shows – possibly musicals – in the future.

Of course, it would help, if you could sound out such talented people and convince them of the joys of TP membership before submitting their name to our charm offensive team tasked with recruiting talented volunteers. If your approach is not met swiftly with unparliamentary language, then the next step is to contact any committee member with his or her details. We look forward to hearing from you.

The meeting, held at Trinity, saw our chairman, Paul Taylor, accept apologies from Rev. Nick Percival; Barbara Parkinson, Anne Prew, Joe Battye and Alice Willerton. Committee members Dale Rivers (Sec); Jim Parkinson (Treas); Ruth Willerton (Vice); Ian Harley, Neil Barham, John Parker, Jane Laverack were joined by members: Phil Johnson, Lynne Almond, Bob Willerton, Andrew Crossland, Michael Ross and Gabor Temleitner.

Jim Parkinson gave details of our current financial position adding that payment to the church for the use of the hall for the pantomime shows in January was paid in good time and cashed on February 11th. The success of the pantomime meant that we are already in credit from the beginning of the financial year. It has also been possible to pay the rites of our next production, Abigail’s Party.

Paul reported that his hopes of engaging a ceilidh band for an event combining a TP social evening with his 60th birthday party on March 19th had, unfortunately, been dashed. His birthday is now officially “postponed” until further notice.

Neil reported that Peter Horner and Jeff were still offering their Langsett home as the venue for the screening of his recording of TP’s award-winning drama Whose Life Is It Anyway? The expected date is Saturday April 23rd

Ruth reported that Saturday July 2nd is still the planned date of the Trinity Players traditional ‘midsummer mayhem’ event being staged this year at the Willerton home in Regent Gardens, off Huddersfield Road, Barnsley. The event may – just may – take the form of a barbecue!

1605-web-abigails-partyDirector Michael reported that both he and the cast are enjoying rehearsals for Abigail’s party which will be our entry in this year’s Wakefield Festival on Wednesday June 1st after completing its May 18th-21st run at Trinity. While rehearsals are currently taking place on Mondays and Wednesdays, some dates may be lost as a result of holidays booked by cast members.

Set construction is also well advanced with painting likely to start next week. Mike’s appeal for the loan of a patio table and two chairs resulted in a prompt offer of help from the chairman. Also required is a quantity of realistic-looking artificial flowers together with troughs or planters to contain them. Can anyone help on that score?

Jane Laverack reported that publicity for the show – hopefully including an item in the Chronicle as well as two advertisements – is in hand as is the printing of posters and flyers.

John Parker announced that Rev. Nick had confirmed he was prepared to direct the comedy ‘Opposite Sex’ for staging at Trinity in July. Emails giving details about the parts and the characters to be portrayed are to go out in the near future.

Andrew Crossland confirmed that he had volunteered to direct this year’s Autumn show to be staged from early to mid October. The choice of play was now being discussed. Andrew said he would be pleased to hear suggestions from anyone with knowledge of plays suiting TP’s current strengths.

Jane Laverack was thanked for her work in the purchase of identity badges to be worn by front-of-house and production-team personnel during shows.

General discussion took place on a number of items including:

1… Bob Willerton’s thoughts on this year’s Penistone pantomime and our choice of pantomime for next year (Sleeping Beauty and Sinbad The Sailor being current favourites) and also future productions on the drama front. Bob also raised the possibility of taking future productions out on tour for one-night shows at church halls and community halls in the Barnsley area. Plays being put forward by Bob for consideration include: ‘Comfort And Joy’ and a revised (hopefully) version of Forever Young written by our former chairman John Slater.

2 – The dangers of running two shows with large casts consecutively. Dale Rivers said the decision to follows Abigail’s Party, a play with a relatively small cast, with another play with a small cast (Opposite Sex) meant that the Autumn show was likely to have a big cast with that show being followed by the big-casted pantomime. In future, it might be better for plays with large and small casts to follow each other alternately.

3 – Wardrobe Room. Neil reported that work had started on converting the former male changing room into a wardrobe room, complete with table and electric sewing machine.

4 – Youth Theatre. Discussion took place on the type of shows that could be staged by (or with the help of) the youth section now being introduced and, hopefully, fully operational by the school summer holidays. Among titles mentioned with The Chronicles of Narnia and Bugsy Malone.

5 – Pantomime Script. Hugh Jones proposed a motion which was passed without dissent saying it was “desirable” to have an original script for next year’s pantomime. Dale added that Esther Dyson had expressed her willingness to edit such a script on several occasions. Hugh went on to extol the advantages of having in-house musical directors or accompanist and wardrobe supervisors.

Date and Venue to be arranged.
Comments etc. to: committee@trinityplayersbarnsley.com