2016 November – Newsletter


Your committee met on 21st November at the Trinity hall.

Present were (in no particular order): Paul Taylor, Ruth Willerton, Jim Parkinson, Dale Rivers, Nick Percival, Neil Barham, John Parker, Jane Laverack and Barbara Spence. Apologies were received from Jo Battye.

SLEEPING BEAUTY or ZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Rehearsals are well under way and Bob says they are going really well (he didn’t actually use those or any other words but I thought I had better make something up!)
Jim reported that tickets are selling like the proverbial hot cakes (buns to some of you!)
Jane says publicity is well under way and this may well account for the sales figures. We are lodged with Hallam FM with Dearne FM still to be contacted. Jane said Zena’s prolific postering (a newly invented word!) deserved praise. So many have been issued we have had to order some more.
Newspaper advertisements are to go in one week before and one after Christmas.
Jane has not yet booked a space for us to go into town in costume to hand out flyers – this is to be reviewed as to whether it is necessary. Jim mentioned that we have been invited to do a similar thing at Wigfield Farm Fair on the 17th or 18th of December.
We intend to try selling ice creams during the panto as we have obtained a freezer and can get ice creams from the supplier used by The Lamproom.
Ruth tells us that all forms, signs and DBS stuff is well on the way in readiness.
Neil will construct dressing room walls as last year and has adapted three flats to take mirrors complete with lights.
Nick confirmed that the church and vestry could be used for changing ONLY but not for storage. It is envisaged the men of the cast may use the church leaving the meeting room/dressing rooms for the ladies and children.
PLEASE NOTE that children are not permitted to enter either to upstairs or downstairs kitchens due to hazards.
Ruth passed on a request from Bob to the effect that “could cast and crew, please, keep Sunday 22nd January free in case another performance was required due to good ticket sales”.

Trinity church are holding their annual Christingle service on Sunday 4 December at 10.30. If you are free why not pop along. It will be an enjoyable service and will be led by Clive Parkinson (Barbara’s husband).


As reported in our previous newsletter it was agreed that we would set the prices as the same as those of the Lamproom Theatre Company. (Currently £12 & £11) and that this play will be taken to the Wakefield Drama festival during the week commencing 29th May 2016 and then to the Lamproom from 14th – 17th June.

As there will not be a play between “Sleeping Beauty” & “Lord Arthur…” Paul said there would be no need for any overlap and the proposed viewing of the DVD of our last production of this play will take place in late January after the pantomime. Following that there would be opportunity for readings and auditions in February with rehearsals currently scheduled to commence in March.

The date for this has been recommended to be w/c Monday 9th October 2017

The committee wishes all our members and friends a very happy Christmas and peaceful new year. (I put that in on their behalf, I hope they don’t mind)

The next committee meeting will be held at Trinity on Monday 4th January 2017 at 6.30pm