2017 September – Newsletter


Minutes from Committee Meeting 4th September 2017

In attendance:
Apologies: Nick

1. Production Licence
The Licence for “It runs in the family” has recently been requested. In future, we will ensure that it is requested before we advertise and sell tickets for a production.

2. Dates for the Shows during this Current Year
It Runs in the Family 11th October to 14th October 2017
Pantomime 12th January to 14th January 2018
19th January to 21st January 2018
April production 18th April to 21st April 2018
July Production 11th July to 14th July 2018

3. Lamproom Week
This was discussed at length and included the fact that it had already been discussed previously as mentioned in a text by Nick. Jim produced finances for the last two “lamproom based productions” which showed surpluses of £613 and £247. It was also agreed that the take up on numbers could have been easily accommodated in Trinity.
It was agreed unanimously that we do not take up the week this year but leave it open for future years’. Chair to contact R Pearson at the lamproom.

4. Adverts for the Current Show
It was agreed that these should be placed on the 29th of September and the 6th of October 2017.

Two tickets have been donated to the Thurnscoe United fund raising raffle to help their cause and advertise our show and the Trinity Players generally.

5. Front of House Training
It was agreed that training needs to take place to include
Procedures regarding tickets and money taken at the door
Procedures regarding what to do in an Emergency, Health and Safety etc.
It was also agreed that there should be a designated House manager each evening to take the lead if a problem arises
Relevant parties will get together to lead on this project

6. Chaperones
We currently have a number of licensed chaperones and this will be enhanced over the future weeks.

7. Expenditure and projects
After some discussion, it was agreed that future projects with a high cost should be brought to the Committee for approval before commencement.

8. Insurance
Jim has received details for the Insurance renewal in the region of £261 per annum. The Insurance covers contents up to £5,000 as well as Employer and Public Liabilities.

9. Christmas Meal
Ruth and Bob have looked at a number of venues including
Strafford arms
Edmund Arms

After discussion, it was provisionally agreed that Ruth will make enquiries with the Talbot but any final decision would depend on the numbers attending and the number that could be accommodated. We did not wish for people to miss out.

10. Community Grants
Dale has received details regarding possible Community Grants. The Chair will investigate the possibility.

11. Trinity Front Cover
It was agreed that we need to carry out more work with colleagues regarding an agreed front cover before incurring expenditure on a large number of booklets.

12. Possible agenda Items for Next Meeting
Date of Next Meeting: Monday 16th of October to start at 7.30
Wakefield Theatre Involvement
Dates for next seasons productions