2019 July – AGM Newsletter


Apologies were received and given for the following members
Helen Watson, Keith Watson, Peter Horner, Sally Davies, Anne Prew, John Ryall, John Parker, Joe Battye and Dale Rivers

Opening Remarks
The Chair commented on another very successful year with four excellent plays. He thanked all involved in the society for their efforts and particularly thanked Jo Morfitt for the success with the pantomime and Paul Taylor for directing two plays consecutively. It was also great to see new directors emerging. The emergence of a Junior group was also noted and was agreed that this was excellent for the future of the Society.

Sandra Thornley Tribute
Karen Slater led a warm tribute to Sandra and this was enhanced and echoed by a number of colleagues.

Secretaries Report
No report was issued due to the expected absence of the Secretary.

Treasurers Report
Details had been issued by the Treasurer in advance of the meeting and the results for the year were recorded. Profits from the plays were made as follows:

Comfort and Joy £1,203.49
Scarlet and the Enchanted Forest £3,739.49
Death Trap £685.12
Someone Who’ll Watch Over Me £87.03

A net profit for the year was recorded as £2,309.59 and this had been enhanced by the receipt of £1,000 from the Estate of the late Mr Moss.

The current Balance for the Players was recorded as £10,290.94

Election of Officers
The role of Secretary was due for renewal and Dale Rivers was will to continue in the role. This was agreed by members.
Joe Battye had been chosen by the Committee to act as Vice Chair during the year following a resignation. This continuation was also agreed by members.
Zena Claire and Hazel Armitage had decided not to be considered for Committee for the upcoming year and are thanked for their contributions. The two vacancies were filled by Ruth Willerton and Len Padgett. No other members wished to be put forward for the roles.

Church Gift Day
After a short discussion, it was agreed that two payments of £1,000 were to be made in July and January to support the finances of the Church rather than the full payment in November as in previous years.

Call for Chaperones and Front of House
It was discussed and noted that more Chaperones were required due to the rise in Junior participants. Members were also encouraged to consider undertaking Front of House duties particularly during the pantomime when so many other members were either on stage or back stage.

Committee Proposals
50p Charge for Refreshments during Rehearsals. 10 voted For and 5 Against. Proposal Agreed
50p Charge for Refreshments on Wednesday. 16 voted For and 2 Against. Proposal Agreed.
Increase Subscriptions from £5 to £10. Unanimously Against. Proposal Refused.

Future of trinity Players
An email prepared by Joe Battye was read out to Members by the Chair. Discussions took place and whilst it was agreed that the desire was to remain at the Church premises for as long as practical, it was agreed that the Society should prepared to look to secure other options. It was agreed that a working Party should be established to look into other venues and costs. Names to be forwarded to the Chair.

Call for Front of House and Greater Involvement in Trinity Church
Following on from the previous discussion, it was suggested that the best way to ensure the Church premises are available is to add numbers to the congregation and become involved in the Church. The Juniors performing for the Church and Trinity Players putting on coffee mornings were discussed.

Members were also encouraged to consider undertaking Front of House duties particularly during the pantomime when so many other members were either on stage or back stage.

In essence, the Society belongs to all members. Any ideas and proposals for future involvement, Income generation or marketing strategies could either be sent through Committee members or by attendance at a meeting.

Closing Statement
Members were thanked for their attendance and their involvement in the meeting.