2020 February – Newsletter


Meeting Dated 4th February 2020

In Attendance
Joe Battye, Ruth Willerton, Barbara Parkinson, Jane Laverack, Len Padgett, Neil Barham, Jim Parkinson, Graham Myers

Lorraine Dobson, Dale Rivers

Pantomime Update
The Committee would like to say a massive thankyou to everyone involved. The shows were a massive success with around 90% of the seats available being filled. Comments from visitors leaving were wonderful and it was clear that children (and adults) both on and off stage enjoyed the experience thoroughly which was great to see.

Final details are not yet complete but it is clear that the society has made a reasonable surplus from the production, which will be put back into future productions.

The committee has agreed to make an additional £150 contribution to the church to cover the additional heating used during rehearsals and the shows.

JP will provide the final figures when they are available but we currently have around £4,000 surplus from the shows.

Pantomime – In future, the room used for costumes will be available to locate any valuable items and the key will be retained by Mr Barham. Everyone is reminded that they are responsible for valuables that they keep with them.

Other shows – We will utilise the Vestry to store valuables, but once again colleagues are reminded that they will be responsible for any valuables not stored securely.

An email will be sent to everyone participating in future shows reminding them of this situation.

There are no issues to report specific to Trinity Players.

However, we still need a number of Ladies and Gentlemen to come forward and undertake Safeguarding training and achieve registration. The process is not arduous but additional numbers are required.

The current strategy is clearly working from a pantomime perspective (1 advert) due to the high attendance but we need to monitor the impact in future shows (normally 2 adverts).

It was agreed that we need to reach out to the local Community as well as local Community Centres. We need to advertise what we have got planned as Trinity Players and what the church have got planned.

JL will contact Phil Johnson regarding designing a leaflet and JB will put together narrative for the leaflet.

Can members and friends please let us know where they would be willing to put up leaflets (shops, post offices, supermarkets etc) and flyers regarding the work we do as well as advertising for future shows.

Mr Rivers will organise a section of the Facebook page for the Juniors.

Performance Dates
The following dates have been set aside in the calendar:
July Show 15 th to the 18 th of July
October show 14 th to the 17 th of October
Junior Performance 19 th to 20 th September

However, the dates are dependent of Directors coming forward with plays.

Can members please let us know if they are willing to direct plays and possibly, which play they would like to direct

External Funding Opportunities
We are exploring other sources of income to keep the Society and Church open for as long as possible.

If members and friends are aware of other sources of income/grants could they please make the committee aware so that we can follow up on the possibility.

JB to follow up on current leads.

Future of Trinity Players
Joe Battye, Jane Laverack, Bob Willerton and Jim Parkinson will form a group to explore other venues if that is required in the future.

Other members and friends would be welcome to join the group or provide information if they feel other venues would be suitable.

As a society, we love to support good causes. Clearly, we are unable to support every good cause but we would like to suggest that during each show, half of the takings raised from the raffle and sales of goods from one days show is donated to a charity.

Could members and friends please let the committee know if they feel we should support a particular good cause

Front of House, Chaperones and Raffle Prizes
You will have already noted the need for Chaperones. In addition, we need members and friends to volunteer to work Front of House. One of the pantomime shows was close to being cancelled due to the numbers coming forward.

Any bottles of wine, boxes of chocolates or boxes of biscuits donated for raffle prizes will be greatly appreciated by the committee.

Proposed Social Events
A guided trip to a theatre.  Mr Harley has agreed to organise a theatre trip. This will be to the Georgian Theatre Royal in Richmond on Saturday the 1 st of August. Could those interested please respond to Ian dircetly on Ianharley48@gmail.com by the 25th of March at the latest so Ian can book the event accordingly.

Good Friday Ramble commencing from Dodworth train station and proceeding to Penistone. We may call into a hostelry for refreshments during the ramble.  Joe Battye to organise and further details regarding start times will be decided once we know the numbers involved. Likely to start around 10 am.  Can those interested please reply to this email accordingly.

Date of Next Meeting
Monday 9th March at 6.30